Saturday, August 2, 2008

Goals - August 2008

---------- GOALS for AUGUST----------
[ ] Get clearance from my doctor to begin running again.
[ ] Drink more water...6 water bottles a day.

Below you can see my goals from JULY and my Long-Term Goals. Items in red are the ones I successfully completed since my last 'Goals' post.

---------- PREVIOUS GOALS for JULY----------

[] Add an abs workout to my weekly exercise.
(Once I am back to my regular workout routine, I will finally add abs back in.)

[X] Inquire about a fitness test from my local gym.
(Will sign up for fitness test in winter when I join the gym for 3 months)

[] Revamp my weights workout
(I've been lax about my weight lifting overall - will have to revamp it when I actually strength training again.)

[] Drink more water every day. Fill up 6 water bottles and drink them all!
(Still not sticking with this one. Will have to try again!)

[X] Find a new bedtime snack (I'm getting tired of the one I keep eating!)
(I've been mixing it up - egg whites, different fruits, Greek yogurt, etc. )

----------LONG-TERM GOALS----------
[*] 137 lbs. (COMPLETED 4/14/08. 10 lbs. lost since my January restart.)
[*] 134 lbs. (COMPLETED 4/27/08. 30 lbs. since 2007)
[*] 132 lbs. (Normal BMI)
[*] 127 lbs. (20 lbs lost since January)
[*] 124 lbs. (40 lbs lost since 2007)
[ ] 118 lbs. (My college weight!)
[ ] 114 lbs (50 lbs. lost overall)
[ ] 112 lbs or Size 3/4 Jeans
[ ] 50+ HDL cholesterol level
[ ] Compete and place well in a 5k race
[ ] Get my daughter to join me in regular exercise
[ ] Healthy Waist to Hip Ratio

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