Friday, May 9, 2008

Goals - May 2006

----------SHORT-TERM GOALS----------
[] Drink more water every day. Fill up 6 water bottles and drink them all!
[] Stick to my new weights routine. No more than 2 days in between.
[] Break this weight loss stall/plateau!

----------LONG-TERM GOALS----------
[*] 137 lbs. (COMPLETED 4/14/08. 10 TDP lbs. lost)
[*] 134 lbs. (COMPLETED 4/27/08. 30 lbs. since 2007)
[ ] 132 lbs. (Normal BMI)
[ ] 127 lbs. (20 lbs lost with TDP!)
[ ] 118 lbs. (My college weight!)
[ ] 114 lbs (50 lbs. lost overall)
[ ] 112-115 lbs or Size 3/4 Jeans
[ ] Healthy Waist to Hip Ratio

----------CURRENT MOTIVATION-----------
Currently, trying to lose weight for my health. My doctor wants to put me on cholesterol medication and I don't want to do it. *stomps foot in defiance* I have been avoiding him since last autumn as I try to lose weight and change my diet to see if that makes a difference. My total cholesterol was 290. I'll see him again in June. I'll be at least 35 pounds lighter and hopefully I'll pass that cholesterol test with flying colors!


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