Saturday, May 24, 2008


Well, we got the WiiFit this week and I am loving it. The running and the hula hooping actually raise my heart rate into my aerobic zone - about 145-155 beats per minute. That's about the same as when I go for a light jog. The step aerobics brings me into what some call the 'fat-burning zone'...about 125-135 beats per minute.
That is more than enough to keep me happy when the weather it bad outside.

My calves are seriously...seriously...sore. I am shuffling as I walk. I also did some of the WiiFit strength exercises and my arms are sore. This is after I have been doing strength training with dumbbells for months. Obviously the WiiFit is hitting muscles I haven't used before...or is working them harder.

The balance I stink at those. But, I have dropped another pound this week. I used the WiiFit for about 3 and a half hours in two days and burned about 600-700 calories (according to my heart rate monitor.) That makes me happy. Especially since is was so rainy in PA this week.

The yoga? I haven't really tried that part yet. I was more interested in the ones that keep my heart rate up. I like the running a lot. I think that is what killed my calves. I am definitely going to invest in a step and get a good step aerobics tape. I forgot how much I like that kind of workout.

So, my weight today? I saw 131. Very very nice. I am 4 pounds away from officially losing 20 pounds since January. That's about a pound a week. Slow and steady wins the race. :)


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