Thursday, May 15, 2008

Shopping Day

Okay, so mom and I went out food shopping today.
I swung by the health food store to pick up some chia seeds. I already added them to my protein shake today...just a small change from my usual flax seeds. No special taste or difference - just added health benefits, so that's good. :)

I also picked up some cauliflower for the first time. I am trying two new recipes with them.
The first is just Mashed Cauliflower. Basically, steam or microwave the cauliflower until it is soft. Then mash it with a fork and add your own spices. Today I tried garlic, chives, salt and pepper. Very very yummy. If you like mashed potatoes (which I don't) this might be a nice alternative for you.

The second recipe is Popcorn Cauliflower.
Basically I took whatever cauliflower I had left after trying my mashed cauliflower (about 1/3 of a head.) Broke it up into a bunch of little florets. Mixed it with 1 tablespoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and 1/2 Teaspoon of powdered garlic (I didn't have fresh garlic or I would have used that.) Baked it on a baking sheet at 450 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes.
This is the basic calorie information.


I just finished it and it tasted good. I'm not sure if the calories are worth it, though. I am going to try a full head with 2 TBSP of olive oil next time. Because I am getting closer to my goal weight, my daily calorie goal is getting smaller and smaller and I need to start making strict choices with my daily calorie content.

The last thing I am doing today is marinating my salmon. I have been using a honey mustard glaze recently, but want to try something different and with slightly fewer calories. So, today is Lime Marinated Grilled Salmon.
I am not known for my cooking skills, but I think I can handle marinades.

Okay, while I'm at it...the rest of my dinner is my favorite. I have this all the time and I love it. It's my Tofu/Pepper/Onion Mix. (I think I'm going to come up with a catchy name for it one day.)

I chop up 5 asparagus spears, half of a pepper (sometimes more), 1/4 cup of red onion, (and sometimes garlic, if I have it) I spray my wok with some cooking spray and start cooking the veggies. I season it...I have tons of different combinations I use, but it usually includes garlic. I add some sesame seeds sometimes, too. Then, at the end, I add my sesame oil for taste and shred some of my Cabot 75% cheddar cheese (so low in fat!) to melt on top.
The firm tofu gets added in the middle (I don't know why I add it then...I'm just a haphazard cook.) It picks up the onion flavors, the seasoning flavors and especially the sesame oil flavors at the end. I make sure the tofu pieces sit directly on the pan and turn them so that each side gets brown.
I have this side dish about 3 times a week (I have to or the tofu goes bad! I don't like freezing my turns weird when I do that.)
This is probably how I get most of my vegetable servings. I really don't like vegetables that much, so the fact that I have 4 of them in one recipe is pretty darned good!

Well, today is a 'no exercise' day. I couldn't really fit it in this morning and I am tired now, so the exercise would be rather half-hearted. Plus, Grey's Anatomy will be on tonight and I need to stay awake for that!
So, tomorrow is an exercise day, for sure! It'll be raining, so it's just me and my Tony Little Gazelle. :P


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